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After the successful completion of an intensive six-month training program in tailoring and fashion designing under the informal sector skills development initiative, the TEVET Authority in collaboration with World Vision Malawi on Thursday, 16 May 2024, held a graduation ceremony to officially recognize the 97 youths on their newly acquired skill.

The graduation ceremony which was graced by  Ntchisi District Chair Arnold  Kapolo was held at Chipokosa in Ntchisi. In his remarks, Kapolo hailed TEVETA's and World Vision's efforts in bridging the skills gap and promoting self-reliance among the youths in the area citing that the initiatives will go a long way in reducing poverty in the area.

While congratulating the trainees for their achievement,  TEVET Authority Regional Manager for the Centre, Joseph Sambaya urged the graduating youths to leverage the acquired skills to create sustainable livelihoods and seize emerging opportunities in the market, especially by utilizing entrepreneurship skills imparted to them.

World Vision Programmes Officer, Lewis Chiwanga said that they believe that investing in the skills and talents of youths, as a way of building a more resilient and prosperous future for communities across the nation. Chiwanga said, that skills training is a permanent investment that the youth can utilize for a lifetime, therefore, he urged the youths in the area to fully capitalize on the skills.

To kick start their entrepreneurship journey, the graduating trainees have received sewing machines and pieces of fabric.

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