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Born with a physical disability but thriving with TEVET: The amazing story of Christopher Chikawoneka.

Christopher Chikaoneka, a determined young man from Dedza faced numerous challenges growing up. Born with a physical disability- one arm, Christopher often felt sidelined and underestimated by those around him. However, his strong will and desire to create a better future for himself kept him moving forward.

Christopher’s journey to success began when he was selected to Salima Technical College to pursue Bricklaying, a trade often considered physically demanding. But his passion for construction and his vision drove his course choice.

Christopher’s training journey was not without its challenges. The physical demands of Bricklaying required innovative approaches to accommodate his physical disability. With his instructors' guidance and his peers' support, Christopher adapted his techniques and developed unique methods to perform tasks efficiently and effectively.

"After graduating, I hit the ground running and started winning contracts for various projects, including building classroom blocks for two different schools in Dedza and working as a foreman," he said.

Christopher also built a Child Development Centre in Dedza and he is currently working on a project with MACRA as a foreman where they are building classroom blocks at Mlodza CDSS in Lilongwe.

Every day, Christopher takes pride in his work and the quality he brings to construction projects.

“TEVET gave me the skills and confidence I needed to succeed. My physical disability doesn’t define me, it’s my skills that set me apart,” he said.
Christopher aspires to soon establish his own construction company, creating a space for employment for others.

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