Productivity Enhancement Programmes

The TEVET Authority, in line with the TEVET Act, promotes and provides short tailor-made course programmes and in-service trainings in order to improve the performance and productivity of the national economy which is delivered through Productivity Enhancement Programmes (PEP) formerly known as Public and Private Sector Training Programme (PPSTP).

Productivity Enhancement Programmes (PEP) are short-term TEVET interventions that are organised based on demand and identified productivity gaps in various levy compliant companies /organisations.


PEP’s overall objective is to support companies and organisations at the industry (that contribute to the TEVET Levy) in addressing productivity gaps to ensure improved, productivity, performance and delivery of quality goods and services at workplaces, and overall customers’ satisfaction.

Target group

The PPSTP targets all employees from TEVET Levy compliant companies and organisations. The programme embraces both technical and vocational skill areas at the workplace ranging from soft to hard skills.

Types of PEP interventions

  • Trade/Sector Based Productivity Enhancement (TSBPE)

These are Short-term TEVET interventions that are designed and implemented to address common productivity capacity gaps for a specific sector(s) and/ or Trade

  • Enterprise Based Productivity Enhancement (EBPE)

These are designed to empower both public and private enterprises contributing to the TEVET Levy to achieve sustainable world class performance through application of productivity tools, quality management systems and best practices.

Interventions to be used include: Consulting, productivity gap analysis, business processes re-engineering and training services in fields that range from supervisory development to quality management systems.

  • National PEP Outcome Sharing Seminars (NPOSS)

This is an annual seminar organised by the TEVET Authority for sharing outcomes of the PEP Interventions in order to enhance the quality and relevance of TEVET and promote productivity improvement in organisations/companies for the socio-economic growth of Malawi.

  • Public Private Partnerships (PPP) with TEVET Providers

Enhancement of interaction between the industry and TEVET providers with the ultimate aim of improving quality and relevance of TEVET products.